Minimum Wedding booking fee is £350. The 10 hour As Directed price is quoted with a prestige car with an hourly Price of £35 per hour and is based on collecting a bride from the specified pick up address going to the wedding venue address and depending on time spent at wedding onto reception. If more than 10 hours is requested hourly waiting time will be charged.
Waiting time is charged at £35 per hour for weddings.
For every booking a 20% deposit is required if cancellations are incurred.
No refunds are available on deposits for weddings. There is a fuel surcharge of 30 pence a mile if wedding venue is more than 5 miles from the vehicles location. e.g... I’m based in London so if wedding reception is for example 50 miles then the fuel surcharge will be £15 for a pick up 50 miles from the vehicles location. The fuel surcharge consists of the fuel used to get to a location outside my 5 mile radius and eliminates 50% of my dead mileage.
Please note there is a £100 cleaning charge for customers that soil or create a spillage that it extreme difficult to remove from vehicle.
Sundays and public holidays there is a 50% price increase on all weddings bookings.